Life happens and sometimes we find ourselves in a position where we become overwhelmed with excessive credit card debt and personal debt. If your debt have ballooned to a level where you can no longer afford to keep up with your payments, a debt settlement plan may the best strategy. Learn more about debt relief solutions so you can determine what option would be best suited for you to eliminate credit card debt.
Debt Settlement, which is just a process of negotiating with your creditors, may prove to be a viable option for you. Debt Settlement refers to settling your credit card or unsecured debt for less than your outstanding balance. This method of debt relief is different than debt consolidation or credit counseling where you pay back the full balance on your debts. This can make a huge difference in how quickly you pay off your debt.
Instead of 5-7 years with credit counseling, with a good debt settlement program, you can settle your debt in 3 years or less depending on the pace at which you fund the program. Also, you can save thousands of dollars through debt settlement versus other debt reduction options.
This is an advertisement from Rapid Debt Relief, a privately owned entity that assists in connecting applicants with debt relief companies for the purpose of reducing and or eliminating consumer debt. There is no obligation to enroll.
Rapid Debt Relief is not a retail bank, lender, credit union, financial company, or creditor. We are not affiliated with any government entity. The information you provide on this website is not an application for credit nor a personal loan. Rapid Debt Relief will connect you with a company who may be able to assist in reducing or eliminating your outstanding debt.
All claims are based on enrolled debts. Not all debts are eligible for enrollment. Not all applicants complete the program due to various reasons, including their ability to save sufficient funds. Estimates are based on previous results, which will vary based on the applicant’s circumstances. Rapid Debt Relief does not guarantee that your debts will be lowered by a specific amount or percentage or that you will be 100% debt-free within a specific period. Rapid Debt Relief does not assume consumer debt, make monthly payments to creditors, or provide tax, bankruptcy, accounting, or legal advice or credit repair services. Not available in all states. Please contact a tax professional to discuss potential tax consequences of debt settlement. Rapid Debt Relief does not provide any assistance. Please contact a bankruptcy attorney for more information regarding bankruptcy.